Thursday, October 8, 2009

!!! Good Blog Post Alert !!!

Phew. Shit's been a drought.

This is from an actual movie.


Check this (*spoiler alert*) teaser of the plot synopsis: Off the coast of Alaska, oceanographer Emma MacNeil (Deborah Gibson) is studying the migration patterns of whales aboard an experimental submarine she took without permission from her employer. Meanwhile, a military helicopter drops experimental sonar transmitters into the water, causing a pod of whales to go out of control and start ramming a nearby glacier.


And more spoiler: While working at a naval laboratory to develop a method for luring the creatures, MacNeil and Shimada become attracted to each other and have sex in a utility closet; the incident makes them realize they can attract the creatures using pheromone chemicals.


Another edit...

The film features veteran actor Lorenzo Lamas and singer/songwriter Deborah Gibson as part of its cast, and was originally titled Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus 3D, but "3D" was stricken from the title when the studio failed to acquire adequate funding for 3-D film.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If Slug was a chick


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I think we did it better, but I'm bummed.