Friday, November 7, 2008

The Hangover

*Hilltop Hoods voice* What a great night!

Highlights include playing 'Substitute' and being asked to "keep it down" and you eating octopus for the first time.

As a result, though, I am profoundly hungover. I did go to boot camp today, but I am still mad hungover and desperate for some fat and salt. So here's the plan:


I feel a bit bad that I'm supporting the system and dirty, greedy fatcats but I am fairly hungry. And super hungover.


Shag said...


Shag said...

Sorry - meant to say:

"I've given up mcdonalds till your wedding (so I'll fit my shirt) so this post was really tough for me to read. Um, could McChickens be any better? (no they couldn't)

Peach said...

What about Greedy fat cats? How BAD are they, hey?

They have a shiny facade, but the deep, dark underbelly is ugly. Cash heavy, power hungry; you can't trust.

They're unmitigated in their evil; irredeemable.