Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh shit... !!!!!


Oh shit!


P.S. In Buck's night news, I can't believe we did so much amazing shit. I swear I've fractured my coxsix (sp?) too. I'm going to see a doctor. I'm hobbling around hilariously.

Wall ball, laserzone, phoning call, race track, cricket, battling, getting stabbed, skidding, tequila, sangria, Byron Bay lager, battling, embarrassing questions, battling, drinking, Flava Flav, abortive searches for cocaine etc. etc.


Shag said...

"8 Mile? Any of you guys seen 8 mile?"

"We've saved 4 wedding seats for your two American girlfriends."

"You couldn't RAP a Christmas present!"

Peach said...

So many quotables. My favourite: "Peach, stop breaking bottles on the road, man. I think it's why the cops came."

Shag said...

My favourite is the entire conversation with Karl. Also, at some point I actually decided I should be using the word 'cunt' more. This wedding is going to be the funniest.

Peach said...

I decided that a couple weeks ago: "cunt" is the illest.