Monday, September 29, 2008

Alligator Fuck House - Snowclone? (with an xXx post script)

I've decided I want to make 'Alligator Fuck House' a snowclone.

I think it'd be a really good one, Goo. It's an expression of surprise, joy, and - occasionally - sexual desire.

Also: it should always be all capitalised. CAPS make it totally rad.


Remember xXx? I'm not sure we'd enjoy it as much if we watched it today. Remember how the James Bond character was easily killed at the start because the (anarchist) baddies could 'smell the training'? As a result, they don't train xXx. And remember how the evil plot was for an unmanned submarine to travel the Earth (sometimes underwater) on autopilot infecting major cities with disease? And how it wouldn't need fuel because it'd use 'hydro power'? I remember wondering: is it OK to equate anarchists with murderers? Is it? Really? Reeeally?


Shag said...

Peach, I have no idea what the first half of this blog is about.

But I enjoy that they knew code-naming their new agent 'xXx' would have unwholesome connotations, but DIDN'T CARE. Also, remember how Sam L Jack was the only one who could talk street with xXx, because he was the black one?

Peach said...

Dude, follow the links. Witty links are awesome; they're why we blog (aren't they?).

I'm going to reread...
