Monday, March 30, 2009

Bit obsessed with the Night Elf Warden

This of course means that I've worked out how to get Frozen Throne to work (maybe), and thus that I'm pretty excited to play some laptop Warcraft ASAP.


Peach said...

Dude, centaur guy who makes treemen FTW.

Come ON!

Oh! Learned how to use torrents, am D/Ling Flava season 2 now...


Shag said...

He's good in support. He's my third, generally - Warden, Priestess and Grove Keeper.

GET I HEART NEW YORK AS WELL. Can't wait for next Mereweather(sic?) visit.

Peach said...

I'm going to chill on I Love New York. I feel it'd be greedy. I am also downloading Sopranos, though. Could be good?

Should we play warcraft city-to-city some time soon.

I've rehearsed six times (!) as a 2v2 or 2v2v2 with all normal and WON EVERY TIME. We're ready...