Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Way COOL DUDES spend their birthday (a photo essay in two parts)

So, even though I DO have HEAPS of friends, jobs, and commitments in my city, I somehow find myself alone on my birthday (!). Who would believe it?

Googs, what else is there for it but a photo essay (through the looking glass) of all the exciting, non-depressing stuff I'm going to get up to today (after going to the beach)?

I will watch:

And I will consume:

It's safe to say I am most pumped about the prawn (pron: 'plawn') toast. it should be mad. Sunnyboys do rule, though; as does reconstituted chicken. Basically: I am going to have the funnest depress-o day ever.



Shag said...

That really is the perfect way to spend a mid-week birthday. If anything, I feel you're understocked, snack and beer wise.

Should we drink and have snacks on Friday? Probably not, what a dumb suggestion.

Peach said...

It IS dumb. Who are you; do I even know you anymore?

It's 11.37, and I'm slightly boozed. Funny. Times.

Peach said...



Shag said...

Yeah. Best part is when sleazy guy is all "Just let me use my business skills to shmooze our way out of this hostage-situation" and you're all "you are going to be killed in the most satisfying way"

Peach said...

Sleazy business guy and stupid white policeman were the best: "black guy, he probably works in a bar, THAT's how he can spot fake IDs really well."