Monday, November 24, 2008

You know I'm a die-hard fan

But McDonalds' new 'seared chicken' range is a giant misstep in their war on unhealthy. There's something slightly genital-esque about the actual chicken, and the sauce made me gag.

Also, why do they keep debuting new chicken burgers when the (perfect) McChicken exists?


Peach said...

What do they 'sear' it on? The microwave?

Shag said...

There's an episode of Flava of Love in which the potential suitorettes have to cook him fried chicken.

Calorie-scared and wanting to show initiative, one of the girls stuffs a whole raw chicken with carrots and puts it in the microwave.

Peach said...

Is Flava of Love the new Buffy? Imagine if it was one during our HSC...

I probably would've only *just* beaten you at Physics instead of schooling you (which I did).

High School!